I have implemented a workflow which contains two timer boundary event attached on a user task.
1) One for email notification (say after 12 hours from the start of user task by configuring cancel Activity =false)
2) One for Auto decision (say after 15 hours from the start of user task by configuring cancel Activity =true)
When i have few jobs to be triggered at the same time then both the timers working fine.
When more jobs to be executed at the same time then auto decision timer is failing.And the strange thing is, exception message in ACT_RU_JOB is showing as "Could not send e-mail in execution 83831"
User task is configured as EXCLUSIVE (not Asynchronous)
Email task is configured as EXCLUSIVE (not Asynchronous)
Process Engine is configured as shown below,
<bean id="processEngineConfiguration" class="org.activiti.spring.SpringProcessEngineConfiguration">
<property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource" />
<property name="transactionManager" ref="transactionManager" />
<property name="databaseSchemaUpdate" value="false" />
<property name="asyncExecutorEnabled" value="true" />
<property name="asyncExecutorActivate" value="true" />
<property name="mailServerHost" value="${smtp.host}" />
<property name="mailServerDefaultFrom" value="${Email.from}" />
<!– <property name="deploymentResources" value="classpath*:*.bpmn" /> –>
Kindly provide some inputs,
Is there any limitation in number of jobs to be triggered at the same time ?