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Forum Posts

bonjour,1)je voudrais savoir si il est possible...

bonjour,1)je voudrais savoir si il est possible de faire cohabiter 2 install alfresco sur un même serveur linux, afin de faire des test.2)la migration de la version 1.2.1 (en paquage), vers la version la version 1.3.0, nécessite telle de suivre la mê...

bonjour,j'ai fais une installation en suivant à...

bonjour,j'ai fais une installation en suivant à la lettre votre doc (serveur linux)quand je tape dans le répertoire /opt/alfresco la commande:./ start j'ai le résultat suivant: neither the JAVA_Home no the JRE_HOME environement variable is...

JDBC Exception

Hello, I'm using Alfresco 1.3 RC in order to have access to some functions allowed by this version. I've an exception raised in the web Client when ???? I don't knowjavax.faces.el.EvaluationException: Exception while invoking expression #{BrowseBean....

felipe by Champ in-the-making
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Encoding of content

HelloWhen i get the content of a content in alfresco from web services, i received the text with badly characters.But if i get, for example, the title, i received well characters.Only occurs with the content. Where i can setting encoding for the cont...

jlbarrera by Champ in-the-making
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Template Engines

Beside Freemarker, does Alfresco supports other template engines?

ahhang by Champ in-the-making
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J'ai suivi l'installation pas à pas pour windows...

J'ai suivi l'installation pas à pas pour windows et à l'exécution, j'ai le problème suivant :The JAVA_HOME environnement variable is not defined correctly….…Pourtant, JAVA_HOME est bien définie dans Crogram filesjavajdk1.5.0_07J'ai le message suivant...

Alfresco 1.3RC to 1.3 upgrade

I was looking for a doc explaning how to upgrade from 1.3 Release Candidate to the GA 1.3 but to no avail. help?Rafi

rafiton by Champ in-the-making
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Single Repository across multiple disks/directories.

Is it possible to have a single repository (content store) spanned accross multiple disks?I currently have Alfresco 1.3 installed on the C Drive with its contentstore on the D drive, and a spare 2 GB on the E drive that I want to utilise. As the curr...

charles by Champ in-the-making
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date range selectors

I have defined a new property with a date range type (d:date) to be used in the advanced search.  The problem is that the displayed date range is: 1979-2008. How can I modify this range? … also is it possible to query just the year?I found the list o...

glux by Champ in-the-making
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Alfresco Eclipse Projects missing

Hi,I downloaded the Alfresco SDK 1.3 and there are two missing projects which are required to execute all the other sample projectsDK AlfrescoRemoteSDK AlfrescoEmbeddedWhere can I get these two?Thanks,Febo

febo by Champ in-the-making
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