I noticed that this post is quite old. Still, as I was getting the same kind of problem, and had to troubleshoot the issue for some time to get the 'domain controller not found' error gone, I am posting here, hoping it might be useful. (I am still troubleshooting– I am getting a 'Passthru server list already configured' error now on Alfresco 2.0, but I am still trying to fix that one).
When I got the domain controller not found error, I did a tcpdump on my interfaces and noticed that netbios broadcasts were being sent to the loopback interface. Changing the /etc/hosts to map the public ip address of the server to the hostname (alfresco.mytestdomain.com), I was able to get rid of the first error. Previously, alfresco.mytestdomain.com was mapped to in /etc/hosts, which is why broadcasts were being sent to the loopback interface only, and I was getting the domain controller not found issue.