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Access from multiple applications

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I am seeking advice for how to best setup activi in our applicaition.  I have serveral web applications from which I would like to start activities and get task lists.  I assume it would be bad to have multiple process engines running against the same database.  Should I setup activiti to run in its own webapp and then use the rest API to get interact with the process engine.  Is there a java API for remote access or do I need to marshall all requests through the rest API.

We also use servicemix in our suite.  Has anyone setup activiti to run as an OSGI bundle within servicemix?

thanks in advance for any advice.


Star Contributor
Star Contributor
You could have multiple engines running on the same DB, but make sure to have only one job-executor running to prevent many optimistic locking exception when executing jobs.

There is a Java API than offers all functionalities toward the engine. The REST-api only offers basic functionality (not full API is covered by that). So it depends on how much you need to use… Whould make sense to centralize your activiti-engine and access it via activiti REST, or perhaps writing your own API (eg. Restlet) on top op the activiti API to offer specific methods to your apps.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi, Thank you for your response!   I thought I had setup notifications of when someone responds.  As long as I can have multiple engines on the same database it should meet my goals very well for now.  I understand about only running one activiti monitor.  that makes sense.
