I'm about to instal it on my linux server, but i have a few questions first:
Currently we're still running opensuse 10.2 (because of other software needed).
Does Alfresco run on Tomcat 5 as offred by my suse version as well?
Which installation procedure would you recommand if i want to use an exisiting mysql database? This one i assume: http://wiki.alfresco.com/wiki/Download_and_install_Alfresco_in_Linux ? or can i just use the binary installer and exclude mysql and set it up later. Or wouldn't the binary installer work at all on the command line?
I'd suggest you use the binary installer first until you become familiar with alfresco.
Tomcat 5 should be O.K. What is important is your JVM version. You need to avoid the OpenJDK and Sun JVMs 1.6.0 through to about 1.6.09. 1.5 JVMs and Recent versions of Suns 1.6 JDK are fine.