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2.0 Preview - cannot publish Press Release #1

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I have followed the steps in the new WCM_BETA_Eval_Guide for Alfresco 2.0, however when I attempt to publish Press Release #1 I receive the following error:

Please correct the errors below then click Finish.
    * javax.xml.transform.TransformerConfigurationException: Could not compile stylesheet

The Press Release Form is configured to use the press-release.xsl stylesheet as instructed in the guide.

Some additional information on my system: I am using the Alfresco-community-2.0Preview-Linux-x86-Install package downloaded from Sourceforge - the one which includes Java, Tomcat, and OpenOffice.  In order to get everything working, I had to make the following changes to my installation in order to get the environment to work properly.

* Copy and from the WCM preview, making sure the install paths in the scripts are correct.
* Set the tomcat installation in to the virtual-tomcat directory.
* Rename *.renametojar to *.jar in virtual-tomcat/common/lib
* Copy alfresco-sample-website.war from the WCM release.

Please let me know if I missed something or how I can diagnose this further.  Thanks!

- Mike

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I have followed the steps in the new WCM_BETA_Eval_Guide for Alfresco 2.0, however when I attempt to publish Press Release #1 I receive the following error:

Please correct the errors below then click Finish.
    * javax.xml.transform.TransformerConfigurationException: Could not compile stylesheet

Mike -  The issue here is that there are two missing JAR files in your bundle.

-  /TOMCAT_HOME/common/endorsed/serializer.jar
-  /TOMCAT_HOME/common/endorsed/xalan.jar

We updated bundles to includes this two assets.  We apologize for the inconvenience.


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Thanks Kevin.  The new install package did not appear to be updated yesterday afternoon when I pulled it, but the .tar.gz package had the missing jar files.  I copied them in and it now works.

- Mike