10-12-2016 02:59 AM
Hello Alfrescians,
I've been using Alfresco Community Edition 5.1 for quite some time now and I've done some changes my Alfresco like: installing some AMP files and created a custom datalist, now suddenly my search engine doesn't work when I'm searching for any files, sites, or people. What has happen to my Alfresco? Is there a way to fix this? I've been searching some time and it leads me no progress.
Thanks in advance.
Best Regards,
10-19-2016 04:56 AM
Hello Kayne,
I did full reindexing but the error was still about JiBException and EOFException.
Is there other options?
Best Regards,
10-19-2016 09:28 PM
Then there is something wrong with one of the content model xml file, maybe by the ones you deployed recently,could you attach your custom model here?
10-20-2016 01:34 AM
Hi Kayne,
Here is my custom datalist "pimsDtalist.xml" located at alffresco_dir/tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco/extension:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Definition of new Model -->
<model name="dl:dlDatalist" xmlns="http://www.alfresco.org/model/dictionary/1.0">
<!-- Optional meta-data about the model -->
<description>Alfresco: PIMS Datalist</description>
<author>June Rodrigo Cataquez</author>
<!-- Imports are required to allow references to definitions in other models -->
<!-- Import Alfresco Dictionary Definitions -->
<import uri="http://www.alfresco.org/model/dictionary/1.0" prefix="d"/>
<!-- Import Alfresco Content Domain Model Definitions -->
<import uri="http://www.alfresco.org/model/content/1.0" prefix="cm"/>
<!-- Import Alfresco Data List Model Definitions -->
<import uri="http://www.alfresco.org/model/datalist/1.0" prefix="dl"/>
<!-- Introduction of new namespaces defined by this model -->
<namespace uri="http://www.metroretail.com.ph/model/content/1.0" prefix="ap"/>
<!-- T Y P E D E F I N I T I O N S -->
<!-- Data list defintions For this model go here -->
<type name="ap:apPims">
<title>Alfresco: PIMS</title>
<description>P.O. and Invoice Management System</description>
<property name="ap:apPONum">
<title>PO Number</title>
<property name="ap:apInvNum">
<title>Invoice Number</title>
<property name="ap:apSupplier">
<title>Supplier Name</title>
<property name="ap:apDDR">
<title>DDR Number</title>
<property name="ap:apStatus">
<property name="ap:apPay">
<title>Payment Terms</title>
<property name="ap:apCreDate">
<title>Date Created</title>
<property name="ap:apModDate">
<title>Date Modified</title>
<property name="ap:apComments">
<association name="ap:apAttachments">
Here is the context "pimsDtalist-context.xml" located at alffresco_dir/tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco/extension:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<!DOCTYPE beans PUBLIC '-//SPRING//DTD BEAN//EN' 'http://www.springframework.org/dtd/spring-beans.dtd'>
<!--ALVEX integration
<bean id="alvex-course-examples" parent="dictionaryModelBootstrap" depends-on="dictionaryBootstrap,alvex-documents-registers-deployer">
<property name="resourceBundles">
<property name="labels">
<!-- Registration of new models -->
<bean id="extension.gc.dictionaryBootstrap" parent="dictionaryModelBootstrap" depends-on="dictionaryBootstrap">
<property name="models">
10-20-2016 04:46 AM
It seems this model definition is ok , do you have any other custom model definitions?
10-20-2016 05:25 AM
HI Kayne,
That's the only custom datalist I made, I installed some AMP files in my Alfresco and I also added a FTL file that functions as an auto-date control.
10-20-2016 08:16 AM
Are there any custom content models in your installed amps ?
and could you please take a snapshot of file list in ${SOLR_HOME|/alfrescoModels folder?
10-21-2016 01:42 AM
Hi Kayne,
Here's the snapshot.
Best Regards,
10-21-2016 04:48 AM
The number of files is not enough ,some of files are missing.
In my environment I have more than 50 files. when you rebuilded your solr index,have you deleted all files in this folder?
10-21-2016 04:55 AM
Hi Kayne,
I guess I had deleted the content of this folder, is this a bad thing for me? Will my alfresco be fixed?
10-21-2016 05:59 AM
No that is ok ,you should delete the content of this folder and your alfresco will be fixed ,it is not a serious problem
solr will download the content model from repository into this folder during reindex of Solr if it find this folder is empty.
It is wired that solr didn't download all models from alfresco.
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