04-27-2020 04:08 AM
Good Morning
I have a problem with workflows. I have seen that after deleting a workflow in nuxeo studio, the type of document the workflow was associated with still allows the option to send that document to that workflow.
I need those deleted workflows not to appear in the WF dropdown menu.
I have attached a screenshot of what I see in Studio, and the WFs that users can select.
The following WFs should not appear in the dropdown menu:
Thanks and regards
05-03-2020 12:49 PM
There is a deployment error probably, as this is not the expected behavior obviously: I suggest you to remove your studio project with nuxeoctl
and make sure the jar file of your studio project is no longer in the bundles
Maybe it is a browser cache issue: are the available workflows correct when you set breakpoint on the element in the web browser or by REST API calls?
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