08-06-2013 05:03 AM
The log file (server.log) becomes full (+10GB) when Nuxeo is accessed by WebDAV. This line is repeated a lot of time :
2013-08-06 10:50:59,395 WARN [org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.TransactionalCoreSessionWrapper] Session invoked in a container without a transaction active: turn on debug logs for more information about the faulty call.
I tried to modify log4j.xml without succes :
<category name="org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api"> <priority value="INFO" /> </category>
I run Nuxeo 5.6
Is there a way to get rid of those messages ?
Thank you.
08-06-2013 07:58 AM
This is a known bug that is fixed by NXP-11810. You must apply the latest hotfix (at least Nuxeo 5.6.0-HF20).
08-06-2013 08:26 AM
Thank you.
08-07-2013 03:18 AM
I upgraded to version 5.6.0-HF22-SNAPSHOT and the problem has gone.
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