06-05-2012 11:26 AM
Just an idea: the automatic upload of files sent by email in the content repository. Will it be ever supported?
06-05-2012 11:32 AM
You can check the nuxeo-platform-mail features to create documents from messages retrieved on a mail server.
I found the old doc here, i guess it's sill valid and would need to be put on more recent doc: http://doc.nuxeo.org/5.3/books/nuxeo-book/html/nuxeo-platform-mail.html
You can create an "Email folder" in a workspace to check it out.
06-05-2012 11:32 AM
You can check the nuxeo-platform-mail features to create documents from messages retrieved on a mail server.
I found the old doc here, i guess it's sill valid and would need to be put on more recent doc: http://doc.nuxeo.org/5.3/books/nuxeo-book/html/nuxeo-platform-mail.html
You can create an "Email folder" in a workspace to check it out.
06-05-2012 11:44 AM
where can I find it? Is it an addon avaible on Nuxeo Connect?
06-05-2012 12:04 PM
Can you give me some more detail or some link of documentation on the argoment?
06-05-2012 12:12 PM
My bad, it's not an addon, it's available by default, i updated my answer.
06-05-2012 01:34 PM
Sorry, I'm annoying, I know... I'm trying to configure a new mail box on Nuxeo DM 5.5 and link it to my gmail, so I followed this: http://answers.nuxeo.com/questions/942/nuxeo-connexion-to-smtp-google-mail-gmail However, when I press the button to receive my messages, it returns me the error "Connection timed out"... is ther some mistakes in the configuration? Moreover... to achieve the functionality for automatic uploads, do I need to write Java code or is it provide in the package? Some examples?
06-05-2012 06:06 PM
Hi Alice, have you read this http
06-07-2012 10:57 AM
Thank you very much! I'm trying to connect a mail folder with my gmail account, so the configuration should be
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