01-27-2012 05:50 PM
I have an automation chain that
When I hard code my "values" everything works as expected. When I attempt to set a context variable, it fails.
The automation chain is as follows:
Each time I attempt to get a value, it fails with the following entry in the log:
ERROR [org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.core.events.OperationEventListener] Failed to handle event documentModified using chain: submitFOIAtoAgency
org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.OperationException: Failed to invoke operation Context.SetVar
Caused by: [Error: org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.impl.DocumentModelImpl cannot be cast to java.lang.Class]
[Near : {... Unknown ....}]
The automation chain is being kicked off by a document Create or Edit event handler.
I have further refined my issue:
during the Fetch->Query operation I use the context variable as a parameter in my NXQL..
The context variable setting fails due to null document (from the Fetch operation I presume)
ERROR [org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.core.events.OperationEventListener] Failed to handle event documentModified using chain: submitFOIAtoAgency org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.OperationException: Failed to invoke operation Context.SetVar
Caused by: [Error: could not access: Document; in class: null] [Near : {... Unknown ....}]
The value for the context setting is:
@{Document["GOVAGENCY:agency_foia_poc_email"]} - which is a value in the document returned by the query (or at least it is supposed to)
I have everything figured out except for the Fetch returning null document. If I run a query in Advanced Search it returns a document in the environment. If I take the same NXQL query (with the hard coded parameters) and put it into the Fetch->Query operation, it gives me the null document.
01-28-2012 10:47 AM
Can you give us the value you put into the operation set Context Variable, please ? You can put it directly into your question...
01-30-2012 12:33 PM
Can you give us value set into your operations. And if your parameter refer to a specific field can you give the type you choose for this field and also the widget used into the creation/edit tab. I'm waiting something like
03-19-2012 01:53 PM
Why do you have + in your request parameter '+@{Context["agencyid"]}+'?
03-30-2012 12:46 AM
still open ?
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