12-26-2011 10:17 AM
I want to publish in the Socual Collaboration some documents that are stored in the DM module. Is there any way to doy this? Or I must download and upload them?
Ruben Bahntje
12-27-2011 07:02 AM
Things can be done, but you need some kind of functional logic first: you have several social workspaces, so how to choose in which they are published ? why not moving the docs direclty in the social workspace ? etc...
12-27-2011 07:02 AM
Things can be done, but you need some kind of functional logic first: you have several social workspaces, so how to choose in which they are published ? why not moving the docs direclty in the social workspace ? etc...
01-06-2012 10:36 AM
If a core value of Social Collaboration is working together on content, then it makes sense to me that there should be the equivalent of a "publishing" feature in the Collaboration module that would allow for publishing of finalized content in a DM repository of your choosing. This aligns nicely with the existing DM publishing paradigm, and ensures that a copy of all finalized business documents is retained in a single (DM) repository. Even more important perhaps because social workspaces are typically transitory, built up around projects or activities and having an expiry date. In order to clean up social workspaces there needs to be a simple mechanism to push business-worthy documents into DM.
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