06-03-2015 02:49 PM
I created my own contribution to document types, my custom document type contains the following fields: Montant, client, date, mode de règlement ONLY but in render the field Title/Description are added. I don't know how to remove them.
10-30-2015 01:28 AM
The Nuxeo defaultly provides Title and Description in its layout. I suggest you to load ur own layout in order to override the default layout given by nuxeo. So according to your need, create a "layout-contrib.xml" as below.
<extension target="org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.forms.layout.WebLayoutManager"
<layout name="ur_layout_name">
<template mode="any">/layouts/layout_default_template.xhtml
<!-- As many fields u want-->
<widget name="Montant" type="int">
<label mode="any">Montant</label>
<widget name="client" type="text">
<label mode="any">Client</label>
We need to define our own schema which defines few datatypes. So declare ur schema in core-types-contrib.xml.
<schema name="layout_demo_schema" prefix="lds" src="schema/layout_demo_schema.xsd" />
Define the datatypes which are needed. For example, here we want int, text, date field etc. So create ur schema layout_demo_schema.xsd and define these datatypes.
<xs:element name="intField" type="xs:int" />
<xs:element name="textField" type="xs:string" />
Don't forget to declare your layout in ui-types-contrib.xml.
<layouts mode="any">
Even I wanted a similar customized folder type metadata and have a look at the attached image how i achieved. That's all, its easy to create custom fields in nuxeo and to play with it.
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