08-08-2018 07:14 PM
All, The customer I am working with would like to redirect users based on the group membership to different locations. For example:
System specifics:
I believe thie feature request is similar to the one requested in 2013 here: https://answers.nuxeo.com/general/q/b649e8939e3e4cd485d7faba20ca60fd/choose-default-start-Page-when-...
Per https://jira.nuxeo.com/browse/NXP-2767 updated in 2010, In order to have custom startup page, we currently need to override the StartupHelper class.
Nuxeo has changed significantly since 2010. Is overriding the StartupHelper class still the best way to implement the requested feature? I am looking for a solution that ideally can be configured in Studio or via nuxeo conf file.
Thank you!
08-16-2018 08:34 PM
It looks like this is the best answer available so far: https://doc.nuxeo.com/nxdoc/how-to-customize-startup-redirection/
It should work for JSF, but might not work for WebUI. Needs to be validated.
06-30-2020 01:12 PM
Hi Kostya,
06-30-2020 12:14 PM
Hi Kostya,
Were you able to resolve this use case and redirect user based on membership? We have similar use case and I am trying to figure out how to do it. We have an event listener where I can set a property but I am not sure how to read that property in UI (Frontend). Appreciate your help . Thanks
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