06-19-2014 04:57 AM
I try to download with script B5bis.php. The answers is always : $answer is not set
I have no problem with others scripst. For example, I can list document with B1 script.
I want to download a pdf file. Is this instruction is good ?
$answer = $session->NewRequest("Blob.Get")->Set('input', 'doc: ' . $path)->SendRequest();
07-02-2014 12:24 PM
Sorry, Which script are you referencing here ?
07-11-2014 06:09 AM
we found the solution : It's OK with the uid of the document : $answer = $nuxeoSession->newRequest("Document.Query")->set('params', 'query', 'SELECT * FROM Document WHERE ecm:uuid=''.$uid.'' AND ('.$filter.')')->sendRequest();
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