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Problems configuring imap connector with Gmail accounts

Hello, I'm trying to setup the IMAP Connector with my Google Account, and I'm getting the following error on Nuxeo 6.0 My configuration. ( I don't have enabled the 2 steps authentication ) password Pr...

jmnrk_ by Confirmed Champ
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Custom HTTP Headers using AngularJS client for Nuxeo platform

Is there a way I could specify custom HTTP Headers using AngularJS client? Options from the REST API are specified on that page : But I don't know how I can specify them using the AngularJS cli...

Erwan_ by Champ on-the-rise
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Workflow autoStart

Hello, Is there any way to make a workflow autostart, once a form is filled or a document is uploaded, that will be a serial approval workflow and if all, in this example 3 approvers accept the document gets moved to a separate folder ? Or something ...

Install nuxeo-platform-ocr Add-on on windows

I was looking for a way to implement an OCR system with Nuxeo, found this Add-on Nuxeo Ocr before I can deploy the project I need to install many dependecies the problem is the commands are on Linux, and I'm using Windows as server. Any thoughts

Dalal_ by Confirmed Champ
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how to handle long NXSQL query with REST API?

Hi, I want to post a simple NXSQL query using RESTAPI. SELECT * FROM my_document_type WHERE ecm:path STARTSWITH '/my_path/xx' => This query is OK when launched from the AdvancedSearch dialog (possibly resulting several pages) => The result is OK wh...

Arnault_ by Confirmed Champ
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Add multiple files : Nuxeo CSV

Hi, How can I add multiple files to a document using Nuxeo CSV. I'm able to add only the main file using "file:content" property. Is it possible to add other attachement files.

Dalal_ by Confirmed Champ
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Resolved! Nuxeo birt: create model error

I'm using Nuxeo Birt from GitHub (the deployed artifacts:nuxeo-birt-reporting-7.3.jar/nuxeo-birt-reporting-web-7.3.jar), and Nuxeo 7.3. I've tried to create a model with both an rptdesign I've created and with the sample files provided in the documen...

Dalal_ by Confirmed Champ
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Using AngularJS module for Nuxeo platform

I've been working on developping an angular application following this tutorial : and using the samples from the following page : From that, ...

Erwan_ by Champ on-the-rise
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Cross-Origin Request (CORS) Blocked for Nuxeo Roadmap

I'm having trouble connecting my jira host name with nuxeo roadmap. FireBug on Firefox keeps notifying me that "Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at

MEM4FP_ by Champ in-the-making
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