02-07-2017 04:37 AM
I am struck on a problem its been many days now.The problem is i created one project and configured global search form through nuxeo studio later my studio got expired now what i am trying to do is to change the labels of the form that i created through xmls. I downloaded the jar file and did some changes(changed the labels) in OSGI-INF extensions.xml. After doing changes i simply replace the old bundle of my project in /var/lib/nuxeo/server/nxserver/bundles with this new bundle.After replacing when i go to nuxeo plateform and update it i cant find the changes. Infect when i download the project bunndle from /var/lib/nuxeo/server/nxserver/bundles after updating the platform, the changes that i made before updation have been replaced with old configurations. what should i do. It would be really great if some one can help me.M really struck and cant find way out!
02-07-2017 08:45 AM
Not sure what's happening with your jar there, but can you try this approach
02-07-2017 10:22 AM
02-07-2017 10:23 AM
I think some default template is overwriting my changes after update.
02-07-2017 10:26 AM
Why would you want to click the 'update' button in the first place, if your Studio is already expired anyway?
02-07-2017 10:32 AM
well,i am uploading files on the basis of rest api through .net client in order to see the uploaded file which i pushed from api i need to update as well.that was the reason why i just updated it. other wise it works fine.
02-07-2017 10:38 AM
Not completely getting what you're doing. Which API endpoint are you calling from your .NET client? And under which tab would you want to see which files to update? Admin > Update Center > Local Packages? And which "update" button did you press - the one under the "Nuxeo Studio" tab? If no valid subscription and not using the Studio, then that tab should not be used at all. And just to confirm, you are talking about the "update" button, not any "upgrade" button, right? But glad it works otherwise.
02-07-2017 11:05 AM
First of all mathias thank you so much for your time.I will tell you in detail what i am doing.
02-07-2017 11:10 AM
I got confused with the forums as well in which they said we have to change deployemnt.fragment and i require the give the bundle name in the require tag.I simply want to play around with ui right now. May be add some more fields ,widgets etc For this i thing i would need to just change the required xmls right?I just want to customize the ui stuff for now thats it.
02-07-2017 11:19 AM
I am fairly new to the Nuxeo platform myself. Did you check the documentation as well as the university classes (https
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