08-22-2019 12:33 PM
I'm trying to migrate nuxeo 7.1 to 7.10.
I have some errors that I need help please :
**Property 'org.nuxeo.dnd.extendedmode.timeout' should now be contributed to extension point 'org.nuxeo.runtime.ConfigurationService', using target 'configuration' **
I don't have this property in my "nuxeo.conf" and when I created an extension point just like below it didn't solve.
<extension point="configuration" target="org.nuxeo.runtime.ConfigurationService">
<property name="org.nuxeo.dnd.extendedmode.timeout">20</property>
**Warning: target extension point 'applications' of 'org.nuxeo.theme.services.ThemeService' is unknown as it has been removed since 7.4. Check your extension in component service:org.nuxeo.ecm.diff.theme **
It is just a warning ? I don't have any extension point 'applications' of 'org.nuxeo.theme.services.ThemeService'.
Style 'diff' on component service:org.nuxeo.ecm.diff.theme should now be contributed to extension point 'org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.WebResources': a compatibility registration was performed but it may not be accurate. Note that the 'flavor' processor should be used with this resource.
I didn't find any style 'diff' in my application. I don't understand.
In advance, thank you very much for your help.
08-22-2019 01:59 PM
On the first point, according to your indications, it should be
<extension point="org.nuxeo.runtime.ConfigurationService" target="configuration">
<property name="org.nuxeo.dnd.extendedmode.timeout">20</property>
I'm not aware of the rest but check out https://doc.nuxeo.com/nxdoc/upgrade-from-60-to-lts-2015/#migrating-theme-and-web-resources and https://doc.nuxeo.com/nxdoc/710/theme-upgrade-to-lts-2015/
08-23-2019 09:10 AM
Hello Gregory,
Thanks for your answer. However, I continue to have the same error :
*Property 'org.nuxeo.dnd.extendedmode.timeout' should now be contributed to extension point 'org.nuxeo.runtime.ConfigurationService', using target 'configuration' *
I has create a new extension point in extensions.xml and I also tried with a dedicate "contrib" xml.
Best regards,
08-23-2019 10:15 AM
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