03-23-2012 08:29 AM
I would to know if there is any way that nuxeo upload the files placed in a specific folder.
03-23-2012 09:21 AM
You can write a custom listener that runs on a timed basis. The listener scans the directory and ingests the files it finds in the directory.
For example...
// events contribution - this one runs once a day, but it could run on any schedule you need (e.g. every 5 minutes)
<schedule id="concena_directoryimport">
<cronExpression>0 30 6 * * ?</cronExpression>
// listener contribution
<listener name="concena_directoryimportlistener" async="true" postCommit="false"
class="com.concena.core.directoryimport.DirectoryImportListener" priority="165">
// listener snippet
protected void handleDirectoryImportEvent(Event event) {
// 2. collect up files in the template import directory
// read through the specified directory and load file names into an array
File directory = null;
String[] files = null;
directory = new File(getImportDirectory());
files = directory.list(new ImportTemplateFileFilter()); // filter limits collection to Office Word and Excel templates
// etc. - get a CoreSession, walk through the files, create documents from files, log results, etc.
03-23-2012 09:21 AM
You can write a custom listener that runs on a timed basis. The listener scans the directory and ingests the files it finds in the directory.
For example...
// events contribution - this one runs once a day, but it could run on any schedule you need (e.g. every 5 minutes)
<schedule id="concena_directoryimport">
<cronExpression>0 30 6 * * ?</cronExpression>
// listener contribution
<listener name="concena_directoryimportlistener" async="true" postCommit="false"
class="com.concena.core.directoryimport.DirectoryImportListener" priority="165">
// listener snippet
protected void handleDirectoryImportEvent(Event event) {
// 2. collect up files in the template import directory
// read through the specified directory and load file names into an array
File directory = null;
String[] files = null;
directory = new File(getImportDirectory());
files = directory.list(new ImportTemplateFileFilter()); // filter limits collection to Office Word and Excel templates
// etc. - get a CoreSession, walk through the files, create documents from files, log results, etc.
03-23-2012 10:25 AM
Thanks bruce, but I'm new in Nuxeo and I'm really lost. I will look at listeners documentation because I don't know where to start.
03-24-2012 08:43 AM
Laurent Doguin from Nuxeo recently posted an article about it on the Nuxeo blog, here is a link to it : http://dev.blogs.nuxeo.com/2012/03/monday-dev-heaven-multithreaded-transactional-documents-import-nu...
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