03-01-2016 01:22 PM
03-01-2016 01:22 PM
Dear me,
Thank you for asking; this is easy to achieve using Nuxeo Studio.
In Advanced Settings > XML Extensions, create a new entry. The name you give it doesn't matter.
Into it, paste the following code and save.
<extension point="layouts" target="org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.forms.layout.WebLayoutManager">
<layout name="document_listing_thumbnail" type="listingThumbnail">
<column name="last_contributor">
<properties mode="any">
<property name="label">label.dublincore.lastContributor</property>
<column name="size_and_format">
<properties mode="any">
<property name="label">
<extension target="org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.forms.layout.WebLayoutManager"
<widget name="my_custom_dam_thumbnail_widget" type="layout">
<label mode="any"></label>
<properties widgetMode="any">
<property name="name">MyDAMThumbnailLayout@view</property>
<property name="widgetsDisplay">no_label</property>
Now go to Listing and Views > Form Layouts and create a new entry. This time you should name it "MyDAMThumbnailLayout" (without the quotes of course). Don't name it differently unless you adapt the XML extension accordingly or it won't work!
Switch to the "View Layout" tab, edit it to your liking and save.
Deploy your configuration, and you are done! Piece of cake!
PS: If you wonder, the original contribution is here: http://explorer.nuxeo.com/nuxeo/site/distribution/current/viewContribution/org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.fo... => search for layout document_listing_thumbnail You should also take a look at the XML extensions video on Nuxeo University to learn more about them.
03-01-2016 01:22 PM
Dear me,
Thank you for asking; this is easy to achieve using Nuxeo Studio.
In Advanced Settings > XML Extensions, create a new entry. The name you give it doesn't matter.
Into it, paste the following code and save.
<extension point="layouts" target="org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.forms.layout.WebLayoutManager">
<layout name="document_listing_thumbnail" type="listingThumbnail">
<column name="last_contributor">
<properties mode="any">
<property name="label">label.dublincore.lastContributor</property>
<column name="size_and_format">
<properties mode="any">
<property name="label">
<extension target="org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.forms.layout.WebLayoutManager"
<widget name="my_custom_dam_thumbnail_widget" type="layout">
<label mode="any"></label>
<properties widgetMode="any">
<property name="name">MyDAMThumbnailLayout@view</property>
<property name="widgetsDisplay">no_label</property>
Now go to Listing and Views > Form Layouts and create a new entry. This time you should name it "MyDAMThumbnailLayout" (without the quotes of course). Don't name it differently unless you adapt the XML extension accordingly or it won't work!
Switch to the "View Layout" tab, edit it to your liking and save.
Deploy your configuration, and you are done! Piece of cake!
PS: If you wonder, the original contribution is here: http://explorer.nuxeo.com/nuxeo/site/distribution/current/viewContribution/org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.fo... => search for layout document_listing_thumbnail You should also take a look at the XML extensions video on Nuxeo University to learn more about them.
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