11-28-2011 05:54 PM
11-28-2011 06:05 PM
The Platform 5.5 will come with an update interactive wizard which ask you which modules you want to instal. You will then be able to have both Document Management and Digital Asset Management features simultaneously on a same installation.
The Wizard might not be yet in the snapshot you used but will be there very soon!
11-28-2011 06:05 PM
The Platform 5.5 will come with an update interactive wizard which ask you which modules you want to instal. You will then be able to have both Document Management and Digital Asset Management features simultaneously on a same installation.
The Wizard might not be yet in the snapshot you used but will be there very soon!
11-28-2011 07:55 PM
Wow, that´s good news!
11-28-2011 08:02 PM
The same for CMF.<br>
02-03-2012 05:42 AM
And how do I add DM to DAM installation (using provided Vmware image)?
Running the wizard give a massive error:
root@localhost:/media/nuxeo# /var/lib/nuxeo/server/bin/nuxeoctl wizard
grep: /var/lib/nuxeo/server/bin/nuxeo.conf: No such file or directory
grep: /var/lib/nuxeo/server/bin/nuxeo.conf: No such file or directory
WARNING: Maximum file descriptor limit is too low: 1024
WARNING: See: http://doc.nuxeo.com/display/KB/java.net.SocketException+Too+many+open+files
grep: /var/lib/nuxeo/server/bin/nuxeo.conf: No such file or directory
Launcher command: /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/jre/bin/java -Dlauncher.java.opts=-Xms512m -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -Dsun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval=3600000 -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=3600000 -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true -Djava.awt.headless=true -Dnuxeo.home=/var/lib/nuxeo/server -Dnuxeo.conf=/var/lib/nuxeo/server/bin/nuxeo.conf -Dnuxeo.log.dir=/var/lib/nuxeo/server/log -jar /var/lib/nuxeo/server/bin/nuxeo-launcher.jar wizard
Nuxeo home: /var/lib/nuxeo/server
Nuxeo configuration: /var/lib/nuxeo/server/bin/nuxeo.conf
Missing /var/lib/nuxeo/server/bin/nuxeo.conf
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at org.nuxeo.launcher.monitoring.StatusServletClient.
02-03-2012 06:13 AM
It looks like you're launching directly from the nuxeo user instead of /etc/init.d/nuxeo, so your server doesn't know where nuxeo.conf is.
02-03-2012 06:20 AM
nuxeoctl is ONLY available in /var/lib/nuxeo/server/bin
02-03-2012 10:34 AM
Mathieu talked about /etc/init.d/nuxeo service script in /etc/init.d/, not nuxeoctl. /etc/init.d/nuxeo is calling nuxeoctl with the right environment parameters (NUXEO_CONF, ...)
02-13-2012 12:00 PM
Also, don't ask questions in the answers section. As a new question.
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