07-25-2016 11:58 AM
Hi there, the URLs of documents in Nuxeo tend to get rather long. https://mydomain.hoster.com/nuxeo/nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/project1/folder/document/... That is 115 characters, although there are no lengthy names and only one folder in the hierarchy. A large part of that is the default "middle" part starting from nxpath until default-domain (29 characters), that I cannot influence (to the best of my knowledge). I can rename a domain, but the path remains the same (which makes sense in many cases). Is there a way to change this part? If every part is necessary, I could still use only 1 character so that each URL would be shortened by 24 characters. That avoids problems with large URLs when using a lot of subfolders (which some users do). Thanks in advance for your help Regards René
08-10-2016 11:27 AM
Hey Rene,
08-11-2016 04:26 AM
You could setup the "id" URL pattern, which is shorter, as the default one instead of the one relying on the document path.
Here is a sample runtime contribution (not tested) to achieve that:
<extension point="urlpatterns" target="org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.ui.web.rest.URLService">
<urlPattern enabled="true" name="id">
<binding callGetter="false" name="tabId">
<binding callGetter="false" name="subTabId">
<binding name="tabIds">#{webActions.currentTabIds}</binding>
<binding callGetter="false" name="language">
<urlPattern name="default" enabled="true">
<binding name="tabId" callGetter="false">
<binding name="subTabId" callGetter="false">
<binding name="tabIds">#{webActions.currentTabIds}</binding>
<binding name="language" callGetter="false">
<binding name="mainTabId" callGetter="false">
Note the change of values for the "defaultURLPolicy" property compared to the default configuration at http://explorer.nuxeo.com/nuxeo/site/distribution/cap-8.3/viewComponent/org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.ui.we...
You can also define your own URL policy, check the documentations at https://doc.nuxeo.com/x/EIzZ and https://doc.nuxeo.com/x/hwFu
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