12-17-2012 12:16 PM
I want to hide the History tab for a specific group of users
How can I do that with Nuxeo Studio ?
Thank you
12-18-2012 06:36 AM
You cannot customize the filter action in a simple click way.
In order to do that in Studio, you can redefine your action contribution by xml:
Go to Advanced Settings/XML Extensions
Create a new xml contribution
Fill it with the following code:
<require> org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.audit.web </require>
<action id="TAB_CONTENT_HISTORY" link="/incl/tabs/document_history.xhtml"
enabled="true" label="action.view.history" icon="/icons/file.gif"
<filter id="YOUR_FILTER">
<rule grant="true">
<permission>Manage everything</permission>
Then you can update this filter "YOUR_FILTER" according to the group/user roles on the document.
Depends on your business rules.
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