11-16-2021 10:10 AM
We've got an issue with stratup nuxeo. It's fblock to postgre connexion:
Could not run configuration: Unable to check configuration for backing service: postgresql
But if I can connect directly by psql client it's ok
root@v-os-nuxeo-stg0:/var/nuxeo/nuxeo/lib# psql -h "" -U nuxeo nuxeo
Password for user nuxeo:
psql (12.9 (Ubuntu 12.9-0ubuntu0.20.04.1), server 13.4 (Ubuntu 13.4-1.pgdg20.04+1))
WARNING: psql major version 12, server major version 13.
Some psql features might not work.
SSL connection (protocol: TLSv1.3, cipher: TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384, bits: 256, compression: off)
Type "help" for help.
Why nuxeo c'ant connect it ?
11-23-2021 10:54 AM
Hello, could you paste the first lines of the output of the command "nuxeoctl showconf" ? I'm interested in the value for NUXEO_HOME
$ bin/nuxeoctl showconf
Nuxeo home: /opt/nuxeo-server-10.10-tomcat
Nuxeo configuration: /opt/nuxeo-server-10.10-tomcat/bin/nuxeo.conf
Include template: /opt/nuxeo-server-10.10-tomcat/templates/common-base
Include template: /opt/nuxeo-server-10.10-tomcat/templates/common
Include template: /opt/nuxeo-server-10.10-tomcat/templates/default
***** Nuxeo instance configuration *****
NUXEO_CONF: /opt/nuxeo-server-10.10-tomcat/bin/nuxeo.conf
NUXEO_HOME: /opt/nuxeo-server-10.10-tomcat
Thank you
11-24-2021 09:58 AM
root@v-os-nuxeo-stg0:/var/log/nuxeo# /var/nuxeo/nuxeo/bin/nuxeoctl showconf |more
Nuxeo home: /var/nuxeo/nuxeo
Nuxeo configuration: /nuxeo/nuxeo.conf
Include template: /var/nuxeo/nuxeo/templates/common-base
Include template: /var/nuxeo/nuxeo/templates/common
Include template: /var/nuxeo/nuxeo/templates/default
Include template: /var/nuxeo/nuxeo/templates/postgresql
Include template: /var/nuxeo/nuxeo/templates/postgresql-quartz-cluster
Include template: /nuxeo/templates/elastic
Include template: /nuxeo/templates/cocktail
Include template: /nuxeo/templates/ident_auth
Include template: /nuxeo/templates/notifications
Include template: /nuxeo/templates/tomcat
Include template: /var/nuxeo/nuxeo/templates/shibboleth
Include template: /var/nuxeo/nuxeo/templates/drive
Include template: /nuxeo/templates/custom
Include template: /var/nuxeo/nuxeo/templates/ubx-package
Include template: /var/nuxeo/nuxeo/templates/retention
Nuxeo Dev mode is enabled
***** Nuxeo instance configuration *****
NUXEO_HOME: /var/nuxeo/nuxeo
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