10-12-2011 11:22 AM
I followed instruction found here http://doc.nuxeo.com/display/KB/How+to+create+web+pages+viewable+by+anonymous+users to allow anonymous user in our Nuxeo installation. It works, but the home page is the dashboard. How can I configure the platform to redirect the anonymous user to the repository instead ?
Many thanks for the answer
10-18-2011 12:35 PM
The article http://doc.nuxeo.com/display/KB/How+to+create+web+pages+viewable+by+anonymous+users is very, very confusing ! I had also problems for this simple and very usual case : creating web pages viewable by anonymous users and configuring anonymous user home page. I really hope it will be review soon.
adding a contribution to create anonymous user (ok, that's in the article but ...it is not complete. what's the place for Tomcat, what's the name of the file...-config.xml )
you have to give rights for this anonymous user on a part of your repository. For instance, create a domain, or a workspace, or just a folder that the anonymous user can acess (read or write, depends your needs). Certainly not on default domain ! What is the sens about having an anonymous user that could read all your company's documents ?! (why the article's focusing on it, is a mystery)
--> After that, the tab document management will work.
10-12-2011 11:58 AM
You have to make sure that the user belongs to the "members" group. By default only users in that group can browse the shared "Document Management" area.
One way to add the user to the "members" group is by following this example: anonymous contrib code
Another way to do it is to grant this user read access to the domain,or read/write depending on your needs. For that please also check the explanation about "anonymous user permissions" in the following entry in Nuxeo Documentation: How to create web pages viewable by anonymous users
10-12-2011 01:43 PM
Thanks for the answer,
I have access to the repository, if I paste the document management url directly in the browser. The default home page is the dashboard not the document management area, and the tab "document management" does not work. I modified also anonymous-config.xml in templates/common/config following the example found in http://explorer.nuxeo.org/nuxeo/site/distribution/current/viewComponent/usermanager.anonymous.contri.... But still not working...
10-18-2011 12:35 PM
The article http://doc.nuxeo.com/display/KB/How+to+create+web+pages+viewable+by+anonymous+users is very, very confusing ! I had also problems for this simple and very usual case : creating web pages viewable by anonymous users and configuring anonymous user home page. I really hope it will be review soon.
adding a contribution to create anonymous user (ok, that's in the article but ...it is not complete. what's the place for Tomcat, what's the name of the file...-config.xml )
you have to give rights for this anonymous user on a part of your repository. For instance, create a domain, or a workspace, or just a folder that the anonymous user can acess (read or write, depends your needs). Certainly not on default domain ! What is the sens about having an anonymous user that could read all your company's documents ?! (why the article's focusing on it, is a mystery)
--> After that, the tab document management will work.
10-26-2011 12:49 PM
10-27-2011 01:37 PM
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