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CMIS SOAP Access problem

Elite Collaborator
Elite Collaborator

Until now, CMIS has only been used using the AtomPub binding and works fine. I have also tried the Browser binding that works Now I have to use the SOAP binding and it fails with the following error : (in short : This service does not provide an endpoint address: ObjectService)

I use this URL for connecting, https://XXXXXX/nuxeo/webservices/cmis/RepositoryService?wsdl

I m able to load repositories and it seems there is no authentification problem or any other error server side.

Nuxeo version is 6.0 but it seems I have the same problem on a 5.8 server

What am I doing wrong ?


World-Class Innovator
World-Class Innovator

It really depends on how your CMIS client is configured, but each "endpoint" has a different URL for SOAP. See for all URLs.

Really SOAP is slower and more complex to use, and you should stick with Browser Bindings.

I do agree about other bindings unfortunately there is no choice for me.