04-18-2016 11:26 AM
I tried to customize the HTML5 Drag and Drop with studio, following (https://doc.nuxeo.com/display/NXDOC/How+to+Customize+the+HTML5+Drag+and+Drop+Import+with+Metadata+Form)
First problem : no effect. A 2.5 s delay is still there
Second problem : when I select "smart import with metadata" after dropping a file, I get a login screen, with "no active session" message". (!)
Here is the XML extension used, copied from https://answers.nuxeo.com/general/q/ddb9ba5def274f21b46a21f432b700d0/How-to-modify-the-form-after-a-...
(with "yourschemas" replaced by "dc" in the link element) :
<extension target="org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.actions.ActionService"
<action id="Chain.FileManager.ImportWithMetaDataInSeam"
order="30" label="label.smart.import.with.md"
I also create a "Form Layout" named dndEdit, as described in documentation. (with Title, Description, and Vocabulary widgets in Creation Layout))
I can't see what is wrong and where to look for now... Thanks for help,
Nuxeo DM+DAM version 5.8
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