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Resolved! Merge several instances

Hi, several entities are running Nuxeo in different flavors (5.4.2, 5.6, ...). They share some extensions, but also have specific ones and even a studio project. These instances must now be merged : what are the easiest way to procede ? Can each data...

Resolved! How to resolve the 'too many rows in result'

I'm getting the SizeLimitExceededException when I'm calling the UserManager.getUserIds() method as soon as I get over 50 users. Here's the stack trace: [org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.usermanager.providers.UsersPageProvider] too many rows in result: 51 org.n...


Bonjour, est il possible de créer une métadonnée de type integer qui soit auto-incremntable pour un type de document custom ? Si oui, comment cela se fait il ? Merci d'avance.

vjoussot_ by Star Contributor
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Resolved! ordering the directoryTree

I would like to know how I can impose a sort according to the vocabulary order element on the way a directoryTree is displayed. For example, in this code <extension target="" point="directories"> ...

CMIS Query of unset multi-valued property

If dc:subjects is not set, am I correct that "quantified in predicate" (ANY dc:subjects NOT IN ('foo')) is FALSE? This is because at least one dc:subjects would need to exist that is not 'foo', right?

rg1_ by Star Contributor
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Save a document property value with a javascript value

Hi, I want to save a property value getted by javascript (a facebook access token given by the facebook login process) to the current document viewed. The document is in VIEW mode for this login action so i can't use the regular process for saving th...