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onglet contenu

Bonjour, quelqu'un peut il me dire si, via syudio, on peut modifier l'onglet "Contenu" d'un document ? Et où peut on trouver les sources pour la parie "publication" située en dessous des méta données communes ? merci d'avance.

vjoussot_ by Star Contributor
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Resolved! Merge several instances

Hi, several entities are running Nuxeo in different flavors (5.4.2, 5.6, ...). They share some extensions, but also have specific ones and even a studio project. These instances must now be merged : what are the easiest way to procede ? Can each data...

Resolved! How to resolve the 'too many rows in result'

I'm getting the SizeLimitExceededException when I'm calling the UserManager.getUserIds() method as soon as I get over 50 users. Here's the stack trace: [org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.usermanager.providers.UsersPageProvider] too many rows in result: 51 org.n...


Bonjour, est il possible de créer une métadonnée de type integer qui soit auto-incremntable pour un type de document custom ? Si oui, comment cela se fait il ? Merci d'avance.

vjoussot_ by Star Contributor
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Resolved! ordering the directoryTree

I would like to know how I can impose a sort according to the vocabulary order element on the way a directoryTree is displayed. For example, in this code <extension target="" point="directories"> ...

CMIS Query of unset multi-valued property

If dc:subjects is not set, am I correct that "quantified in predicate" (ANY dc:subjects NOT IN ('foo')) is FALSE? This is because at least one dc:subjects would need to exist that is not 'foo', right?

rg1_ by Star Contributor
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