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Forum Posts

Resolved! How to modify the form after a long drag'n drop ?

I well understood if I drag'n drop with a pause or not on the active zone, the behavior is different as explained here. I modify the default document created after a drag'n drop as following: Into the "Manage" tab of my workspace > Local Configuratio...

Error when using Fn functions in mail template (5.6)

Hi, Within studio I created a workflow with a mail template associated to the task assignment. I would like to put user informations in the template using the Fn functions, but it does not work : ... org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.ClientException: Failed to ...

ganie_ by Champ on-the-rise
  • 1 replies
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Deleted ldap user => error when accessing the "Network" tab

Hello, Since deleting a (ldap) user, access to my "Network" tab is impossible. Therefore, I can not remove this nonexistent user from my network ... and the bug persists: No exit : - [ I always get the message: ". Nuxeo Platform - 5.6 / An error occu...

apx25_ by Champ on-the-rise
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folder tree translation

Hello, I am trying to configure Nuxeo to pass from English to French and vice versa. So I set up messages_FR and files in STUDIO interface and the translation works perfectly. However I did not find how to translate the folder tree. Is...

Pending operation in Nuxeo Drive

In my nuxeo drive there are always pending operations even when I leave the synchronization running for a couple of days without adding or changing documents. I went to nxdrivelog and found an entry indicating trouble sync a file, solve that manually...