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Forum Posts

How to Customize Nuxeo Pages and StartUp redirection ?

Hello All, I want to cutomize the nuxeo pages which I have listed below for startup redirection I have attached two files below. I am putting and customizing **1_view_home.xhtml ** which I have created as a sample. /> I am changing and replacing the ...

Avi_Jain by Champ in-the-making
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How to set permanent permission with Java API?

I am trying to assign a permanent permission to a group but in nuxeo permission is not working and it is not assigning to any user. My Code is: String url = "http://localhost:8080/nuxeo"; NuxeoClient nuxeoClient = new NuxeoClient(url, "Administrator"...

Avi_Jain by Champ in-the-making
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Disabling "Create Content" button in WebUI

Hello, So far I know rather a lot about using Nuxeo Studio with JSF UI, but the latest project that I am working on is targeted to use exclusively WebUI, which I don't know well yet. So, the question is pretty much dumb: how do I deactivate "Create C...

ERROR: facelet not found at <custom.xhtml>

Hello, We encounter an error on Nuxeo 8.10 while using a custom plugin. We've been using Nuxeo 5.6 for a few years with a custom personalization plugin. This plugin offers many features, and since our upgrade from 5.6 to 8.10 one of them doesn't work...

Publication en masse / Mass publications

Bonjour à tous, A votre connaissance, existe t'il une possibilité de publier en masse ? J'ai un espace de travail dans lequel j'ai importé une centaine de docs que je souhaiterais publier, mais un par un c'est une tannée. Existe t'il une solution pou...

Bug in the example

When i run script createContract.js from page I get error when i run code return repository.create(portfolio.path, contractToCreate); Apologies, an error occurred. { Error: Bad Request at doFet...

kodermax by Star Contributor
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Can`t end task programmatically

Hello, I start an workflow to a document. I want to end a task programmatically. I have used endTask(CoreSession session, Task task, Map data, String status) . I also tried resumeInstance(String routeId, String nodeId, Map data, String status, CoreSe...

Bora_ by Confirmed Champ
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