11-11-2014 05:35 AM
Hi There,
I noticed that it is possible to fill in non numeric characters in the phone number field of a user.
I might want to change this behavior. Is it correct that I have to extend the weblayoutManager widgettypes Extensionpoint (Like this file: http://fisheye.nuxeo.com/browse/nuxeo-user-center/nuxeo-user-profile/src/main/resources/OSGI-INF/lay... )
<extension target="org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.forms.layout.WebLayoutManager" point="widgettypes">
Then add a widtget with a property validator
<widget name="phonenumber" type="text">
<label mode="any">label.userprofile.phonenumber</label>
<properties widgetMode="edit">
<property name="styleClass">dataInputText</property>
<property name="validator">#{myValidatorBean.validatePhoneNumber}</property>
And finally create a validator as specified on this page: http://doc.nuxeo.com/display/NXDOC/Add+Field+Validation
I think This is the way to go, but I just wanted to check 🙂
Best regards,
Bauke Roo
11-14-2014 12:48 PM
You need to use the extension point "widgets", not "widgettypes", but otherwise, it seems all good.
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