CommunityLIVE 2022 registration is now open
Take advantage of early bird pricing for Nashville conferenceHelp drive your organization’s digital evolution at CommunityLIVE September 11–15 in Nashville, Tennessee. This can’t-miss event will feature exclusive content, including strategic product information that will encompass our product roadmap and future vision.
Join us to maximize your investment and unlock your platform’s potential by: - Connecting with Hyland experts, industry thought leaders and your peers
- Taking advantage of training and networking opportunities
- Discovering best practices to create better customer and employee experiences
Register by Thursday, June 30 to take advantage of early bird pricing and get up to $600 off registration. Interested in sharing your story at CommunityLIVE?
Let us know by completing this survey to tell us your general topic area by Friday, May 6. Selected speakers will be eligible for discounted registration. |
Expanded collaboration with Amazon Web ServicesHyland recently announced an expanded collaboration with Amazon Web Services (AWS) to enhance our Hyland Cloud infrastructure and support the increased needs of our customers. As part of this expansion, we will deploy any new OnBase and Brainware cloud customers and cloud migration environments (in addition to the Alfresco products currently deployed) in North America into the appropriate AWS regions — fully supported and managed by Hyland’s technical experts.
To learn more about Hyland’s offerings in the AWS Marketplace and the benefits of our collaboration with AWS, join us for a live webinar on Tuesday, May 24. In the meantime, explore FAQs. |  |
Upcoming Webinars & EventsDrivers to the cloud: Exploring the latest IDG research webinar
The cloud landscape is always changing — as are the reasons organizations are choosing to move to the cloud. Explore the challenges driving cloud migrations and common cloud adoption issues, according to new International Data Group (IDG) research, commissioned by Hyland. Tuesday, May 3 | 11 a.m. EDT
New Nuxeo DAM Webinar Series Kicks Off
On March 30, Henry Stewart hosted the first of our Nuxeo quarterly webinars, Harness the Power of the DAM Explosion. Watch the on-demand recording to learn how DAM practitioners and librarians leverage their experience and expertise in rich content and how to utilize DAM to provide business value. Details for the next webinar, Thursday, June 30, will be coming soon.
University.Hyland UpdateEarn Nuxeo certifications in today’s key digital disciplines
Earn Nuxeo certifications for technical recognition of expertise in disciplines, including: REST API, basic Java elements as operations and listeners, installation, instance configuration (nuxeo.conf, templates), monitoring, audit, authentication, permission management, clustering, data storage, VCS / NoSQL, indexing and multi-tenancy.
Start with the Nuxeo Fundamentals certification, both a prerequisite and a firm foundation for attaining all Nuxeo certifications. Access all supporting Nuxeo documentation from the Hyland University Nuxeo certification page, and explore all five Nuxeo certification options today! |
Manage your Hyland Community portal as a Hyland AmbassadorThe Hyland Community Ambassador (HCA) Program offers extra administrative permissions for selected individuals to manage their organization’s members within Hyland Community, our dedicated customer and partner portal. With up to three ambassadors per organization, this role has many features and capabilities to save time and to self-serve within the Hyland Community platform.
Ambassadors can: - Create and remove users
- Create a Hyland ID for an existing user
- Promote and revoke users from an ambassador role
- Set feature permissions
- Review your organization's approved email domains
Share the newsDo you know someone who would benefit from our newsletter? Forward it to your peers and colleagues or have them email to be added to our distribution list.
For additional details and an archive of newsletters, visit the What’s New blog in the Hyland Community. |