11-29-2017 03:03 AM
Alfresco Community Edition (fresh)
Try to start workflow from site documentlibrary or from site data-list and can`t do this.
Whats wrong?
Go to site -> doclib (or data-list) -> click do some doc -> try to start new workflow ->
see page for starting workflow with type button but if select workflow type - page is clear - no new workflow form.
Is it normal or need to fix it?
(From myfiles,sharedfiles,workflows everything ok - can to start new workflow)
11-29-2017 05:45 AM
Hi Artem DJ,
You can start workflow from document library
1 By applying rules on folder
2 By document, refer this Starting a workflow | Alfresco Documentation
3 From datalists as well refer the OOTB Issue List Datalist.
After selecting workflow type from the given list, if page is cleared then it's not normal. You may have configured wrong configuration, please share your alfresco log stack trace.
11-29-2017 09:41 AM
Really, looks like its alvex component integration problem...
11-29-2017 02:11 PM
If you have Alvex in place, then I believe what is missing is you giving the users permission to start workflows.
One of the modules installed by Alvex is GitHub - ITDSystems/alvex-workflow-permissions
You have to go to Admin Tools, and there you will find the option to select what workflows users can start
11-30-2017 03:40 AM
Hello! I re-check alvex workflow permissions. (looks like its only give permission to see some types of workflow or not see then start new workflow). Anyway I see all workflow types but new workflow form exists only if start workflow from myfiles,sharedfiles,workflows and empty if try to start under documentlibrary or data-list. If make full alvex remove - all ok, see new workflow form from anyway.
11-30-2017 11:14 AM
Looks like the problem is in js scope.
If you open the page http://localhost:8080/share/page/start-workflow then everything is working good.
If you open the page http://localhost:8080/share/page/site/swsdp/start-workflow then wfscheduler says "this.msg is not defined". No idea how to fix it quickly. I tried to put functions from the root of alvex-project-management/start-workflow.js at master · ITDSystems/alvex-project-management · GitHub to the scope of the function, but then I meet "jquery.cron is not defined". If you have any ideas how to fix it, let me know or just send a pull request.
Here is an issue for it in the Project Management repo:
start-workflow page problem · Issue #66 · ITDSystems/alvex-project-management · GitHub
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