03-02-2020 06:16 PM
Good morning, how do I create a rule in one space, using as criteria information within a pdf? for example an invoice and I want to use the customer information within the document as street or Taxpayer Identification Number for example....
03-03-2020 10:10 AM
Hi @juanpnaranjo,
Just so that I understand your requirement clearly.
Do you want to read some information in the pdf (content or metadata?) during document ingress and based on that information apply a rule? Something like:
if customer name == n, move document to folder y, etc?
03-16-2020 12:12 PM
I need to apply a rule that has as a condition information of the content or in the body of a pdf.
For example I have a pdf with information about a Sales quote and I want to perform an action (eg: move or send email) that depends on the information contained in the body of the Sales quote. But I don't find that condition in the alfresco rules.
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