Is there a way to find out if a site has been created or deleted ?I tried the onCreateNode behaviour, but it seems there are multiple nodes created once you create a site.So the behaviour get called multiple times.
Is there a way to find out if a site has been created or deleted ?I tried the onCreateNode behaviour, but it seems there are multiple nodes created once you create a site.So the behaviour get called multiple times.
I do not see image ( png ) preview in in the Document Library.I see properly the preview of PDF and DOC### External executable locations ###ooo.exe=E:/alfresco-community/libreoffice/App/libreoffice/program/soffice.exeooo.enabled=trueooo.port=9100img....
Hello,I have a little issue I don't know how to tackle properly and concerns performance.I need to process ~200k documents that are missing an aspect. First, I identified these documents with a mysql query to evaluate how many there are. These nodes ...
Hi everyone,I want to know if it is possible to configure all my activities dashlet on alfresco share page of my web application. On the default dashlet "My Activities"I'm french so it's normal ahaa My true question is, i got already information for ...
Hello,It may seems trivial but I cannot find the info!Using the javascript API, I am lost!Finding the full name based on user name in no problem but somehow, I cannot find a user name from the full name!Thanking you in advance,Pablo!I am using Alfres...
Im trying to set up a dev, staging, prod environment so I've set up a git repo and committed the file and then deployed the repository to the dev, staging and prod servers.Is there a way to override this file so that dev, s...
Activiti 5.15.1 process definition work on activiti 7.0.0.SR1 version without any change like schema and other??My definition is following .<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><definitions xmlns="" xmlns:...
Hello everyone,I want to show two dropdowns in workflow form in which second dropdown should be based on the first dropdown value. Let's say first dropdown is having country names, based on the selected country names second dropdown should have selec...
We are building out a single page React application using Alfresco as a back-end. Need a way to disable basic authentication for when tickets expire. This way it can throw the correct error response and we can handle the rest.Cannot seem to find a wa...
If some content belongs to a workflow, from preview page, on the right side section, there is a possibility to use an hyperlink to jump directly to the details page of the workflowBut if that hyperlink is clicked, I receive a 400 HTML error (bad requ...
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