07-28-2020 07:44 AM
Currently I am using alfresco 5.2 community version and I have installed Alfresco 6.2 using docker on another system and I want to migrate my data from 5.2 to 6.2 alfresco .
How to do migration in docker installed alfresco 6.2.
Please suggest me any way to do migration.
Thanks in Advance
07-28-2020 08:15 AM
Hope this helps:
07-29-2020 02:14 AM
Dear Angelborroy this solution does not work for me is there any solution for migration from 5.2 windows installed alfresco community version to Docker installed alfresco 6.2.
As usually in case of migration from alfresco 5.2 we stop the services and take backup of postgresql and contentstore
and paste it to the alfresco community version to other system .
But in docker installed how to paste or dump the postgresql i am not getting the location for that .
Is there any way to that please help me.
08-18-2020 08:49 AM
Anyone who could help.
Akash D
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