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How use PageLink to call a Action Backend

I everyone, i just put myself in the world of customize page and template of Alfresco Share, i have succeded to call a backend action with a PageLink extensions but for some reason i can't retrieve a correct form.In the following case i'm tring to ad...

4535992 by Star Collaborator
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Workflow Failed due to could not complet action

Hi,We are getting below error while complete task in workflowtask not found in act_ru_task table nut it is there in table.can anybody suggest me or give some solution to resolve it?org.activiti.engine.ActivitiObjectNotFoundException: Cannot find task...


Am unable to view reports on Alfresco Users. For example ( report on audit per user, active users) are not showing but the other reports work fine

vanson by Champ on-the-rise
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Community Edition Form and Workflows

Hello, I am using Alfresco community edition 6.0 in a docker container. I would like to establish a way that a user could log onto alfresco navigate to their site click on a like that brings them to a form page to fill out something like a travel req...

goutern by Champ in-the-making
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Activity 6.0 - Deploy in activity-admin

Hi there, i'm testing activity 6.0 and i'm trying to upload a process build in eclipse (.bar) manually through the activity-admin console but always says that cannot upload the file.Is possible to upload processes directly in activity-admin right?

How to throw a BpmnError in script task using groovy?

Hi,I have a process model with a simple start event -> User Task (get 2 inputs) -> Script Task (Validate inputs & and throw exception) -> end task. The script task is to divide the inputs, input1/input2. Say if input2 is 0, rather than getting an div...


I have made a script to set the document type depending of word of their name.if (document.parent.hasAspect("pp:freightFolder")) { var file =; var dict = new Object(); document.addAspect('pp:document');["pp:refBlNumb...

chavezdf by Champ in-the-making
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