05-27-2019 05:39 AM
I need to establish a LDAP Authentification on my Alfresco Community.
In Alfresco-global.propertie, I add some lines but when I try to connect on Alfresco Share with my AD account, it didn't work. I add this line :
Did I need to add other line or edit other files ?
05-28-2019 02:20 AM
You should give information about synchronization user - name and password.
And add a format of user names for authentication.
It would be nice to add admin and guest policy:
For mo information look at example:
And documentation:
05-28-2019 02:42 AM
Thank a lot about your help !
About ldap synchronization, I need name and password of my AD/DC or of my Alfresco server ?
05-28-2019 03:26 AM
naming.security.principal is an AD user witch should have read permissions on LDAP (AD).
defaultAdministratorUserNames can be coma separated local alfresco users or/and synchronized AD users.
05-28-2019 04:09 AM
Thank a lot, it's the solution !
05-28-2019 08:41 AM
Just one more question, this line didn't work :
ldap.synchronization.groupSearchBase=ou=Groupes d'accès,dc=domain,dc=com
##Group from AD to Alfresco
05-28-2019 09:03 AM
It's search base of your AD. It points to place where you groups stored.
You can check how it work by LDAP browser, filter everything you need and add to alfresco-global.properties yours base and query.
The full query parameters are:
# The query to select all objects that represent the groups to import.
# The query to select objects that represent the groups to import that have changed since a certain time.
# The group search base restricts the LDAP group query to a sub section of tree on the LDAP server.
# The query to select all objects that represent the users to import.
# The query to select objects that represent the users to import that have changed since a certain time.
# The user search base restricts the LDAP user query to a sub section of tree on the LDAP server.
05-28-2019 11:20 AM
It didn't work, i think I don't really understand how to complete those lines :
# The query to select all objects that represent the groups to import.
# The query to select objects that represent the groups to import that have changed since a certain time.
# The group search base restricts the LDAP group query to a sub section of tree on the LDAP server.
ldap.synchronization.groupSearchBase=OU\=Groupes d'accès,DC\=domain,DC\=com
05-28-2019 11:41 AM
ldap.synchronization.groupSearchBase=ou=Groupes d'accès,ou=RAPIDO,ou=CCAR,ou=RAPIDO_VDL,dc=rapido53,dc=com
ldap.synchronization.groupSearchBase=OU\=Groupes d'accès,OU\=RAPIDO,OU\=CCAR,OU\=RAPIDO_VDL,DC\=rapido53,DC\=com
05-29-2019 03:29 AM
It didn't work...
I try this 2 option and let this enable:
# The query to select all objects that represent the groups to import.
# The query to select objects that represent the groups to import that have changed since a certain time.
But when I connect with admin account, go to admin tools and user and groups when I write a group of my AD i have nothing. I don't know if this command respond to my needing.
For examble, I got a group name "Informatique" with 4 users, I want to import this group to alfresco and when i'm in alfresco I want to have this 4 users import and I want they are in a group name "Informatique" to just add rights on this group for all user in.
Sorry, my english sound french
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