04-18-2017 10:44 AM
Hello I am new on alfresco and I would like to know is that the solution can do the localization of the physical documents archived in the archives room (id, rayon, row, date ..).
04-18-2017 12:19 PM
Since you can easily add your own metadata fields to alfresco (content model) it is possible to add the fields for the physical location of a document. If you mark your document accordingly, ie. with a barcode, you can use a barcode scanner (scans barcode and emulates typing the code via keyboard) to identify your document and tell you where to store it physically...
04-19-2017 03:45 AM
1 - So i'm in the right place according to my needs ? or i can find other solutions that can offer already this features
2 - please can you tell where to find exemples or tuto for doing this, especially the part of using the barcode scanner
3 is there any app store for community apps to download or purchase from there.
Many thanks
04-19-2017 04:54 AM
- if you also want to scan the documents and store their content for metadata and fulltext search alfresco could be the right solution. If only want to store the physical position of your documents, there should be other solutions (the simplest would be a Database Table with a html5 frontend or a spreadsheet)
- if you store the value of the barcode (most likely a string) in a metadata field, you could use the standard searching mechanisms of alfresco. The decoding of a barcode (or 2D Code like QR) could be done by a barcode scanner (for example simply plugged into usb) that reads the code and types the decoded string like you would have done it via keyboard or by an ocr software that scans the document and also decodes the barcode.
maybe you can find modules for your solution on addons.alfresco.com
But if you don't want to store the content of your documents in alfresco, you should find an easier solution.
04-20-2017 06:56 AM
Hi Martin,
1- we also want store the document in alfresco, so all this customization can be done in GUI mode or i should do some customization in the code source. For the database :
Site --> folder1 -->folder2-->document1.word
( Case 1) | (Lot 1) | (document1.word) - document2.word
| (Lot 2) |
2 - what is the structure that will be in the database ( because we already have another solution that containt just the physical position of documents and we want to use it on this new solution) ? knowing that in our database we have just Case and lot wich will be replaced by two folders in alfresco.
3- what do you think of this migration it is possbile ?
Many thanks
04-20-2017 09:23 AM
1 - ok
2 - never use alfresco DB directly, there are apis to add your data, also, you should not rely on the folder structure but add case and lot as metadata fields in your content model
i would recommend to build your structure on a filesystem ( could be directly on the alfresco server or a filesystem that you can mount as a local filesystem on the alfresco server) and use the bulk import tool Using the Bulk Import tool | Alfresco Documentation to add your structure, documents and metadata (stored in property files, filled with data from your previous solution)
Before that you would have to add your content model, which can be done through the admin GUI
for this you won't have to code anything ( ok, building the property files with your metadata, but you can do that with any programming language you are familiar with)
3 - if you know your actual database structure and are able to export the data, the migration should be no big effort
04-21-2017 04:09 AM
Thank you for each time you answer me, and give some of your time
I didnt get how can i not rely on the folder structure, because i want to make something(folder1- Case or Box) that containing other things(folder2- Lot) How Can the metadata help to do this.
04-21-2017 04:38 AM
I should have said, "you should not only rely on the folder structure" or "you should not have to use a query or search based on the folder structure (=Path)".
Structuring your data in folders is the right thing for your purpose. But its handy to store your "Case", "lot" and so on in Metadata fields for later queries. Using the path of a document for a query is not very practical (have to use a weird encoding for the path) nor performant in alfresco.
For later adding of documents:
You could "automate" the setting of your metadata fields by a folder rule in the top folder, that fires "onCreate or move" in all sub-folders. This rule can execute a script, that reads the path to your document and stores the significant path elements in your metadata fields.
With the fields, you can easily configure and use the advanced search in alfresco share.
The rule also has the advantage that the metadata is automatically updated if you move a "lot" to another "case".
04-21-2017 04:48 AM
04-21-2017 05:04 AM
Well done Martin, this is exactly what Community means.
Thank you for your positive vibrations and, of course, for your effort.
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