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Alfresco content service

Hi Team,we are using the Alfresco community edition enterprise content management but all the applications are bundled with log4j 1.x which already declared End Of Life in 2015.Can we expect that new version will not include the log4j 1.x in the appl...

Importing Confluence Wikis Into Alfresco Wikis

Does a tool, plugin, module, or process exist to import wikis from Confluence to Alfresco? I want to move away from Confluence and over to Alfresco 100%, but I have hundreds of wiki pages in Confluence. Is there a way to do this reliably?

gragon by Champ in-the-making
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Resolved! Edit properties side by side with document preview

Hi,We are currently evaluating Alfresco and created a model with custom document type and properties.Is it somehow possible to edit the properties of a document while viewing the preview of the document side by side?

Wolfg by Champ on-the-rise
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Resolved! How to Call Remote API from ADF

HelloI have configure my adf with alfresco by giving Ip address like and i am also able to login.Now I am trying to call custom webscript from adf using below api import * as AlfrescoApi from 'alfresco-js-api'; alfrescoJsApi: any; co...

How do we detect OCRed document?

Hi,How do we know if a document has been OCRed?Could we detect from its properties? I found no special props on Node Browser.I need to detect whether it should be OCRed by Alfresco or not.Thanks,[bayu]

Resolved! log4j vulnerability impact on Alfresco community edition

Hi,I would like to know whether any of the Alfresco Community edition components are affected by CVE-2021-44228In alfresco-community-repo(8.423), I could see that Alfresco Core has log4j 1.2.17 in pom.xml. Also, Alfresco repository uses mybatis-3.3.0...

prabhav by Champ on-the-rise
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The system cannot find the file C:\Program.

HiI have downloaded Java 11.20. from RedHat and it is in the location stated in the Variable JRE_HOME.When I start tomcat I get the error : The system cannot find the file C:\Program. The console looks like this:C:\tomcat700\bin>startup.batUsing CATA...

Lino17 by Champ in-the-making
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