09-21-2018 04:04 AM
In datalist(custom), I am submitting a form (creating 'NewItem' ) and validating that it should not allow saving duplicate based on a property(e.g BatchName).
I know that it's handled by http://localhost:8080/share/proxy/alfresco/api/type/myrop/formprocessor. That's why I am overriding form.post.json.js
In form.post.json.js, based on itemId I am doing validation.
if(itemId == "myrop"){
var luceneQuery = "PATH:\"/app:company_home/st:sites/cm:"+siteId+"//*\" AND TYPE:\"myrop\" AND @my\\:batchName:\""+selectedValue+"\"";
var result = search.luceneSearch(luceneQuery);
logger.system.out("@ luceneQuery : " + luceneQuery);
logger.system.out("@ Result length: " + result.length);
if(result.length >0){
status.setCode(409, "already exist..");
persistedObject = formService.saveForm(itemKind, itemId, repoFormData);
But my prob is that I am not able to get the site value here. and I want to check duplicate in the current site.
Anyway so that I can get the site here ???
'NewItem' of toolbar.js and toolBar.get.html.ftl the method is already overwritten in another datalist. Hope I cannot override toolbar multiple times.
09-24-2018 11:40 PM
I cannot answer your question directly because it has been too long since I fooled with form processors. If you had a node ref you could ask the site service which site it belongs to, but I don't think you have a node ref.
But in thinking about your problem, I wonder if it would make more sense from a dev perspective and an end-user perspective to do the check on the Share tier or even from the client-side. You could easily write your own web script that would check for the existence of that value in a give site and you could invoke that from either a Share tier web script or from client-side JavaScript (like in a custom form control, for example).
That would allow you to reject the save much earlier. Just a thought.
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