08-23-2017 01:57 AM
I am trying to login alfresco share in third-party application.I can alfresco services with ticket but same is not happening with alfresco share side.Is this possible login alfresco share in third party application if yes then how can we do this.Is this with ticket or any other way.
08-23-2017 02:17 AM
This question cannot really be answered without further description of the architecture, involving your 3rd party app, the authentication system and of course alfresco.
Are you trying to embed Share page in iframe from your 3rd party app? What is your use case exactly?
08-23-2017 02:27 AM
I want to preview a document in third party application using alfresco share by getting session user credentials.Then want to do authentication in the java backend.
08-23-2017 05:03 AM
08-23-2017 06:33 AM
So, if Axel Faust is pointing to a previous post that describes the same use case, and if I understand it correctly, then I would say:
* If you trying to open Alfresco Share UI from within your portal, you need to setup some kind of SSO as Axel Faust mentionned. As far as I know, Share doesn't offer an API you can rely on to build your portal (alfresco - repo side - does). If you want to benefit from the full featured Share UI, use SSO (and it's much more simple once setup).
* If you want to get the preview doc and display it from within your own html code, then you can use the Alfresco REST API
(see /alfresco/s/index/package/org/alfresco/repository/thumbnail) for which the ticket mecanism is available. CMIS is another option to get renditions from the repo.
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