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create a file list including metadata

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

Hi Folks,

playing around with alfresco I wonder how to achieve the following:

I created a custom modell and added a few additional data to my documents. Imagine invoices where the partner, date of invoice and the amount is saved as additional data.

basic question:

How can I create a list with this informormation for all files in a folder?

challange 1:

How to define the folder from that the information is taken?

challange 2:

How to create the list gathering data from diffrent folders?

any help would be appreciated (even if the answer would be: do some coding)



Star Collaborator
Star Collaborator


Just only like an initial approach, maybe you can create a script to read documents in a folder and create a .txt file with the required information. This script could be executed from a content rule on a folder.

Or using a web script:

Creating the scripted components of a Folder Listing web script | Alfresco Documentation 

Any other option, could it be to create a personalized view on document library.

NeTIC360: :: Alfresco. Añadir vistas a la biblioteca de documentos 

