02-07-2020 09:11 AM
Helo everyone,
The problem :
I try to preview a document i just attached to a form.
When i click on it, the overlay works and i can view my attachment.
When i close it, i go back to my form but completely "frozen".
(In fact, the url don't change : it's still with a `http://localhost:4200/apps/XXXXX/tasks/YYYYY(overlayreview/blob)`)
I have to the refresh the page in order to have my form again.
What did i do wrong ?
I actually use the "native" component generated with ADF-APS :
Steps to reproduce :
Can anyone help me with this ?
I'm using :
ADF : 3.5
APS : 1.9
Language : FR
error - console
<adf-viewer [blobFile]="content" [displayName]="name" [showViewer]="true"> </adf-viewer>
@Component({ templateUrl: 'bob-view.component.html' }) export class BlobViewComponent { content: Blob; name: string; constructor(protected preview: PreviewService, protected router: Router ) { if (preview.content === null || preview.name === null) { router.navigate([{outlets: {overlay: null}}]); return; } this.content = preview.content; this.name = preview.name; } }
export const appRoutes: Routes = [ { path: 'files/:nodeId/view', component: FileViewComponent, canActivate: [AuthGuardEcm], outlet: 'overlay' }, { path: 'preview/blob', component: BlobViewComponent, outlet: 'overlay', pathMatch: 'full' }, [...] ];
02-12-2020 11:49 AM
It sounds like a bug.
What the browser's console says when you click the link the second time and you get the error?
02-13-2020 08:00 AM
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