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Forum Posts

Queries for Alfresco Number of document by site (SQL)

Hi ! I'm starting with alfresco and i'm seaching for some queries.The first one was to get the number of document for each site. I already have queries to get the number of site and of documents but i don't manage to cross the requests.My database is...

gabg02 by Champ in-the-making
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upload file in alfresco workflow

I've found some threads discussing this, but since all of them either is unanswered, obsolete, concerns the standalone Activiti (the web variant), or simply inadequate I want to ask the question anew:Is there a way to add task form components allowin...

henrikr by Confirmed Champ
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Get statistics of visits for each site (SQL)

Hi !I'm looking for informations about logs and actions for each site of my alfresco can i find these informations in my postgresql database?For example, how many connection per site.Thanks for your help

gabg02 by Champ in-the-making
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How to set datetime property value from javascript

Hi everyone,I am having two properties having d:datetime type. I want to set values to those properties from workflow. One property will be coming from datepicker (d:datetime property in the workflow model) from the workflow form and other I am takin...

API REST - Core Api - Alfresco 5.2 Crear Documento

Muy buenos dias a todos. Disculpen las molestias, necesitaría saber si alguien me puede ayudar con el siguiente tema:      Mediante la api de Alfresco (Api Rest 5.2f) estoy queriendo cargar documentos en el repositorio. La idea seria subirlos y asign...

AOS network drive mapping on SSL

Hello All,Please help me in configuring network drive using aos .I install fresh copy of alfresco and try to mapped network drive using aos It running successfully.But when I configured SSL on alfresco, I m not able mapped as network driveI use below...

mohitrth26 by Champ on-the-rise
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SlingshotUserFactory cannot be resolved

I am following Jeff Potts example of adding an aspect to the person object and following his tutorial, looks like in Alfresco 5.0 onwards, the java classes are stored in jar files and these cl...