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Resolved! Updating process viarables via REST

Hi all.When I send a list of variables only the last one is updated.PUThttps://[      {        "name":"income",        "type":"integer" ,         "value":20000 ,        "name":"loanAmount"...

jaco1 by Confirmed Champ
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CMIS call for Navigation Service gives HTTP 301

I am using ACS trial version in combination with Pega. Now on a CMIS call for Navigation Service I receive HTTP 301, permanent redirect, and I am not able to handle this. Can anyone help me to get this solved? Or provide the correct URI?

Alfresco 5.0 Fails to create index

I am using Alfresco 5.0 and upload about 400 PDF files (about 2MB each) to it per day.Recently I found that some of files can be uploaded successfully within 20 seconds; however, some of them can be uploaded to Alfresco, but Alfresco does not create ...

wayneto by Champ in-the-making
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COUNT nodes

We're launching queries like that:    TYPE:"ts:FolderSet" and ANCESTOR:"workspace://StoreSpaces/234230..."We need to count how many nodes are matching above condition instead of getting a list of nodes.We're launching this query using /share TFS-Alfr...

nonets by Champ on-the-rise
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CMIS query performance slow - Solr index improvement?

This problem is experienced with Alfresco 6.0 (could be in Alfresco 5.2 as well). I do not know how much the version matters to this issue.I have a custom model defined. This mode has a custom type and it has a custom aspect with a set of properties....

sepgs2004 by Star Contributor
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Custom Logic

How can I make  a custom logic each time a workflow starts or end ?Not only for a specific or custom process, but all types of workflow.

Resolved! How to bind a policy behavior on custom property

Hi,I'd like to bind a behavior to a custom property update policy.The issue is that the callback function is never called.I'm likely not using the appropriate policy, but I can't find any example on this.Binding behavior to a custom type or aspect is...

Resolved! Solr 6 indexing lag

The problem is that files are not appearing in searches that are performed immediately after the file is uploaded.How can I reduce this lag?Are there any settings for this?Alfresco version ==> 6.1.Solr6 ==> Alfresco-Search-Services

Service tasks are not persisted in ACT_HI_TASKINST

Hello. i am using Activiti v 6. I have a lot of processes that consist of only service tasks. I want to see the variables of these tasks and the values of the variables. But the service tasks are saved only in ACT_HI_ACTINST table and contain null in...

aminaiser by Champ on-the-rise
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