02-10-2017 06:18 AM
Hi Friends ,
We are using Alfresco Community Edition version 5.0.d , i wanted to know how many documents(lacks) can be uploaded overall and how many concurrent users can login to Alfresco ?
We have around 300GB of documents to upload , Will these many GB documents Alfresco v5.0.d can handle ?
Please let me know.
02-10-2017 06:28 AM
There is no technical limit in terms of "how many documents can be uploaded" and the question "how many users can use it concurrently" can always be answered with "it depends on what resources you assign to the Alfresco system" and "it depends on the use cases that define their patterns of access". E.g. there is a significant difference between hundreds of users only logging on to Alfresco and looking at some pre-cached overview, or the same amount of users actually doing something with the system, changing document metadata, uploading new files, processing workflow, generating reports...
02-10-2017 06:35 AM
Hi Axel,
Thanks for the update but could you please let me know 300GB of documents can be uploaded to Alfresco 5.0.d ? or it depends on Hardware resources ?
02-10-2017 06:51 AM
If you have more than 300 GiB of storage attached to your Alfresco system then you can upload 300 GiB worth of documents...
02-10-2017 08:31 AM
Thanks Axel.
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