02-10-2017 08:28 AM
We have developed an Actviti Designer extension that holds some custom tasks for our application. If I develop a workflow containing the custom tasks from the extension, and then load the workflow in a vanilla version of Designer, i.e. without our extension installed, I get a totally blank workflow.
If I re-create the same workflow without using our custom extension and compare, the "activiti:extensionID" attribute on the "<serviceTask>" tag is the only difference. For example:
With Extension:
<serviceTask id="_SeriesRouter.ClassifySeries" name="Classify Series" activiti:class="edu.mayo.qia.dewey.task.ClassifySeriesTask" activiti:extensionId="edu.mayo.qia.dewey.designer.ClassifySeriesItem"></serviceTask>
Without Extension:
<serviceTask id="servicetask2" name="Classify Series" activiti:class="edu.mayo.qia.dewey.task.ClassifySeriesTask"></serviceTask>
Is there an easy way to make the workflow be editable without my custom extension? It is very confusing to our users. We could strip the "activiti:extensionID" attributes, and I think that would make it work... but I'd rather not do that.
Edit: If I remove the "extensionID" attributes, the workflow shows up just fine without our Designer extension being installed.
02-10-2017 12:15 PM
02-10-2017 12:23 PM
Hi Greg, I'm using the Eclipse Designer with Actviti 5.22 (should have mentioned that). We are planning to move to 6 at some point.
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