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Alfresco Permission Issues

Star Contributor
Star Contributor

Recently, we have been facing permission issues in Alfresco.

We have a document X. Group G1 is applied to the document X with the write permissions. None of the people in G1 are able to access document X. Only people belonging to Administrator group are able to access the documents.

Any suggestions?


Elite Collaborator
Elite Collaborator

In alfresco , every user has a role on document/folder.and Permissions are applied to role.So it depends on which role you have applied to document X.

I have applied role of Site Consumer.. but even if I apply any shows a red bar for them saying the documents has either been removed or you don't have permissions. But as admin, I am able to access that document

Star Contributor
Star Contributor

Alfresco provide read access to all user on all document and folder by default. what do you mean by " None of the people in G1 are able to access document X"
do you mean that they are able to see it, open it but can not do other operation?  or you mean they can not even see the document?

If user from G1 group are able to see the document but not able to do other operation, then it could be issue with role you assigned. 

If user from G1 group are not able to see the document itself then G1 group may not have any (read) permission on folder that document belongs to.

Hope this will helpful.



User is not able to see the content despite being in the correct group with Site Consumer role applied. Only if I add them to ALFRESCO_ADMINISTRATORS, are they able to access anything. We are facing this issue recently. We tried  to troubleshoot by pruning some access groups because we thought there might be a limit on the number of permission groups that we can have in alfresco. So, we pruned them from 500 down to 200. But still the problem exists. Also if a person is logged in to alfresco as a non-admin member, they are seeing  this weird message (Deleted User) besides every document which says:

even though blackri is an active user currently working and able to login.