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Resolved! alfresco-cs-ce-repository not work in kubernetes

I've a problem with a installation on kubernetes with helm. All applications working fine but the repository has a rare error.Pods:kubectl get pods NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE fego...

fegor by Star Collaborator
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Storage areas

Hello @ll,I'm new to Alfresco and was wondering what determines where a given piece of contentent is written?Is there a default where everything is initialy placed?Can a default storage location be determined based on the content type?Are there polic...

harpech by Champ in-the-making
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How to implement OnDeleteNodePolicy for deleting user?

We want to add custom code when deleting user. We have tried to use OnDeleteNodePolicy or BeforeDeleteNodePolicy, but failed.Here is custom code:public void beforeDeleteNode(NodeRef nodeRef) {String username = serviceRegistry.getPersonService().getPe...

Error Creating Trigger bean for Scheduler

Hi All,I am facing issue/error while creating Trigger bean. While passing value for start delay property of bean in trigger bean is as follow:-<bean id="org.alfresco.tutorial.scheduledjob.trigger" class="...

piyush48 by Star Contributor
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ADF- Browser Login Popup

I have configured ADF with APS But the problem is sometime I am getting browser login popup.

sp2 by Elite Collaborator
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hundreds of "Idle in transaction" queries (SELECT 1)

Hi,We run a Alf CE 5.2.g with about 100 users for collaborative purposes. After some hours of usage we see an accumulation of queries (SELECT 1) in "idle in transaction" state, never commited. This fill up the connection pool and finally crash the se...

Endpoint update not working

I have created some endpoint and it's basic auth for api.Identity management->Tenants->Endpoints->Basic Authentication for endpointsNow My Basic Authentication for endpoints username/password is changed and I amtrying to update but it is not updating...

sp2 by Elite Collaborator
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Create Original Create and Modify Date using FTP Upload

With the help of Preserve Original Create/Modify Date  thread I am able to store original create and modify date by uploading through Share upload.I will be having large no of files and I want to upload in alfresco and I have choosen FTP for that. Is...

sp2 by Elite Collaborator
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Resolved! Add custom metadata with new file upload

Hello,I'm using PortCmis with AtomPub 1.1 in .Net Core and I'm trying to upload a file to Alfresco. I'm trying to set custom metadata., but I'm getting this error: Type classification is unknown!Here is my code:parameters[SessionParameter.User] = "my...

goranche89 by Champ on-the-rise
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